Our Expat Services

General Assistance & VISAs

Medellín Expat Services offers a range of relocation and translation services in Medellín, Colombia, as well as offering a number of other general assistance services to make your daily life here in Medellín easier. From greeting you at the airport the moment your plane lands, to getting you connected with a Colombian cell phone number your first day. After you’ve rested from your flight, Medellín Expat Services can organize a variety of sightseeing tours on your behalf or accompany you to popular local restaurants. For your time and convenience, we can also pick-up and drop-off any items you need for daily living including prescription medications and basic necessities, or help you with laundry services. What we help our clients with most is tourist VISAs and immigration forms.


Medical Services

Going to medical appointments abroad can be complicated, but it doesn’t have to be. As interpreters, Medellín Expat Services translate what you and the doctor are saying to one another and get you checked in with receptionists who only speak Spanish. We can phone hospitals and clinics to book appointments for you. We’re also able to find Pharmacies that stock your specific types of medications because not all do. Likewise, we can even pick-up prescriptions on your behalf and accompany you to various medical services and procedures. We also accompany our clients to popular local restaurants to provide friendly company to them during their stay here in Medellín, Colombia, and to see how they’re doing.